The Millipak® 0.22 μm hydrophilic membrane filter produces particulate- and bacteria-free water at the point of dispense of Milli-Q® IQ 7000, Milli-Q® IQ 7003/05/10/15, Milli-Q® IX 7003/05/10/15, and Milli-Q® EQ 7000/08/16 water purification systems. The filter is designed with a 0.22 μm PES (polyethersulfone) asymmetric membrane filter, heat-sealed on a SAN (styrene acrylonitrile) housing to minimize organic and inorganic extractable release. The e-Sure tag enables RFID connection with the E-POD® or Q-POD® dispenser, for seamless consumable status monitoring, data management and full traceability.
Pore Size
0.22 µm
Trade Name
0.22 µm membrane filter for particulate- and bacteria-free water at the E-POD® or Q-POD® dispenser of Milli-Q® IQ/IX/EQ systems • eSure RFID tag for full traceability